Showing 58 Result(s)

The Difference Between Night Creams & Day Creams

Why are night creams so essential and how do they differ from day creams? During the day our skin is exposed to free radical damage, environmental aggressors such as the sun, pollution and stress.  At night is a time for our bodies and skin to repair and restore itself. That is why it is important …

The Science Behind Winter Dry Skin & Solutions that Work

1. The science behind what happens to the skin in winter: Majority of people have seasonally dry skin. The stratum corneum needs moisture to be flexible, firm, translucent and function properly as a barrier. Since moisture is constantly moving from the inside out where it evaporates, the lipid layer, which protects and holds moisture, is …

skin training

Skin Training – Give Yourself the Gift of Knowledge

“Should I be providing micro-dermabrasion in my salon?” What can we do with new laser treatments?” “What are the benefits of Vitamin C and how can I harness that power for anti-aging treatments?” These are only some of the questions that I have been asked throughout my career about skin training. We, collectively as estheticians, …


How to get Involved in Medical Esthetics?

More and more dermatologists and plastic surgeons are recognizing the contributions of estheticians to the well being of their clients. Many are even incorporating day spa services as part of their practices by either hiring full-time estheticians or developing an association with a day spa. Increasingly, dermatologists and plastic surgeons do not see estheticians as …

The Power of Touch: Getting Back to the Basics

Our best tools as estheticians are our hands. It is important to learn how to expertly use our hands by practicing proper facial massage techniques as well as learning facial anatomy. Knowledge of the facial muscles is imperative in conducting a superlative facial massage. Massage therapy offers a real solution for managing the anxiety and …

The Science of Acne

Close to 85% of people will experience some form of acne in their lifetime. According to the Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States affecting 40-50 million Americans at one time.4 When people think of acne, they think of teenagers, but acne can affect many people through adulthood …

The Secrets to Healthy Aging

Right now, there are 78 Million Baby Boomers approaching Retirement Age. As a generation, Baby Boomers are doers so it is no wonder that they are not going to sit back and get “old” without putting up a fight. Even at the age previous generations retired to live out their years quietly, Baby Boomers are …