How To Land A Job: Look Good for the Interview

Aristotle said, “Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.” Well, it’s no wonder  CNN reported that Plastic Surgery is up due to job-seekers desire to look younger (and more beautiful!).

Well, I’ve never been a proponent of plastic surgery, but there is a definite correlation to “looking good” and getting the job (or keeping it for that matter).

When it comes to interviewing for a future job position, personal beauty involves being well-groomed, dressing for success, being well-informed (looking smart) and having self-confidence.  In a job market like this, you are lucky to get an interview, so when you do get one, you need to make sure you are prepared for it.

Personal Appearance: Go in well groomed. This is a first impression and you are showcasing yourself, you want the person that is interviewing you to be impressed before you even say “hello”.  I recommend getting an exfoliating facial or face mask at home to make sure skin is in good condition, get your hair professionally blown-out, and get a manicure or a men’s buff (guys- your nails need to look good too!) before an interview. Make sure your make-up is professional – keep to warm and neutral tones. Don’t overdo it or under do it.

Dress for success! Know what the dress code is at the job you want to land and show up looking the part.  If you are applying at a very corporate office, be sure to wear a tailored suit, if the place is more fashion forward, you may want to add a signature piece of jewelery. Invest in your interview! Spending a little extra money to look your best could lead to you landing the job and having financial security in the future.

Be Well Informed: Research the company that will be interviewing you. You do not want to go into an interview blindly, show your interviewer that you are serious about the position by doing your homework. What kind of company are they? Do they have a company motto? What are their beliefs on education? If possible, also do your research on the person who will be interviewing you. Google their name and see what you can find, maybe they have published a book, and if they have, read it before the interview! Being well-informed about the company and the person who will be interviewing you makes you “look smart”and demonstrates to your interviewer that you’ve done your homework.

Confidence: Be well informed about the company that is interviewing you and bring your best face forward, and you will exude confidence. Nothing is more beautiful than confidence and your interviewer will be able to see it immediately. Be sure you shake your interviewers hand firmly, smile and look at their eyes when you speak.  I hate when people interview with me and give me “fish hands.”  If you are not sure about your hand shake, practice on your friends.

Confidence is quite possibly the most powerful part of the equation so plan ahead to make sure you are feeling good, well prepared, and confidant!

Things happen because you make them happen. Nothing is by chance and if you want the job of your dreams you have to be prepared. Do your homework and ask yourself, “Am I the material that employers want?” If not, you need to revamp yourself. I hope these tips will help you at your next interview.  Good luck!

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